There is increasing interest in exploring how endosymbionts could be useful in pest control, including in aphids, which can carry a diversity of endosymbionts. Endosymbionts often have a large impact on host traits, and their presence can be self-sustaining. Identifying useful host-endosymbiont combinations for pest control is facilitated by the transfer of specific endosymbionts into target species, particularly if the species lacks the endosymbiont. Here, we complete a comprehensive literature review, which included 56 relevant papers on endosymbiont transfer experiments in aphids, to uncover factors that might influence transfer success. We then report on our own microinjection attempts of diverse facultative endosymbionts from a range of donor species into three agriculturally important aphid species as recipients: the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae), bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi), and Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia). Combining this information, we consider reasons that impact the successful establishment of lines carrying transferred endosymbionts. These include a lack of stability in donors, deleterious effects on host fitness, the absence of plant-based (versus vertical) transmission, high genetic variation in the endosymbiont, and susceptibility of an infection to environmental factors. Taking these factors into account should help in increasing success rates in future introductions.