Previous articleNext article No AccessSymposium on Morality and LiteratureNarrative Emotions: Beckett's Genealogy of LoveMartha NussbaumMartha Nussbaum Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Ethics Volume 98, Number 2Jan., 1988 Article DOI Views: 32Total views on this site Citations: 29Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1988 The University of ChicagoPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Michael Eggert, Axel Zweck Narrative Scharniere – Zur Vermittlung von Emotionalität und Zukunftsperspektiven, (May 2022): 85–109. A. Eismann “MY ENTIRE BODY IS A WOUND”: PAIN, CORPOREALITY AND THE “OTHER” IN PATRIA BY FERNANDO ARAMBURU, (Jan 2022). dos Santos Awareness of Emotions as Co-Storying, (Sep 2022): 345–362. E. Wigand, Paul Hoff, Florian Steger, Thomas Becker Accepting the Incomprehensible, Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease 209, no.1010 (Oct 2021): 697–701. Popa Affective Refuge in the Work of Samuel Beckett, East-West Cultural Passage 21, no.11 (Jan 2022): 110–128. Johanne Farstad Future Urban Environments in Science Fiction: Initiated Thought Experiments, (May 2021). Lempert Tragedy and the Modernist Novel, 22 (Aug 2020). J. Goodey A Capabilities Approach Analysis of Evangelii Gaudium and Its Significance for Catholic Learning Environments on LGBT + Issues, Religious Education 114, no.55 (Sep 2019): 640–651. Nguyen, Thy Phu, Y-Dang Troeung Refugee Compassion and the Politics of Embodied Storytelling: A Critical Conversation, a/b: Auto/Biography Studies 33, no.22 (Jun 2018): 441–445. Louar Beckett's Bodies in the Trilogy, or Life as a Pensum, Journal of Beckett Studies 27, no.11 (Apr 2018): 69–82. Yuan Deliberative Emotion, (Jan 2019): 89–120. Murphet On the Mortification of Novelistic Discourse in Three Novels, Journal of Beckett Studies 26, no.11 (Apr 2017): 39–52. Moody A Machine for Feeling: Ping 's Posthuman Affect, Journal of Beckett Studies 26, no.11 (Apr 2017): 87–102. D. Lantos Reason, Emotion, and Implanted Devices, The American Journal of Bioethics 16, no.88 (Jul 2016): 1–2. Stark Emotional causality in dynamistic Finnish–Karelian folk belief, Scandinavian Journal of History 41, no.33 (May 2016): 369–387. Kleres Narrative des Mitgefühls: Methodischer Ansatz und Anwendung, (Jun 2015): 267–287. Voss Roberts Tasting the divine: the aesthetics of religious emotion in Indian Christianity, Religion 42, no.44 (Oct 2012): 575–595. Borg Putting the Impossible to Work: Beckettian Afterlife and the Posthuman Future of Humanity, Journal of Modern Literature 35, no.44 (Jul 2012): 163–180. KLERES Emotions and Narrative Analysis: A Methodological Approach, Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 41, no.22 (Nov 2010): 182–202. S. Miall Emotions and the Structuring of Narrative Responses, Poetics Today 32, no.22 (Jun 2011): 323–348. Everett, Constance Friesen Humanitarian accountability and performance in the Théâtre de l’Absurde, Critical Perspectives on Accounting 21, no.66 (Aug 2010): 468–485. Debes Which empathy? Limitations in the mirrored “understanding” of emotion, Synthese 175, no.22 (Mar 2009): 219–239. Mendelson-Maoz Ethics and Literature: Introduction, Philosophia 35, no.22 (Jul 2007): 111–116. Abbott Against Narrative: A Preface to Lyrical Sociology, Sociological Theory 25, no.11 (Mar 2007): 67–99. Mooney Feeling Fear, Narrating Feelings: The Decomposing Masculine Subject in Molloy, Malone Dies , and The Unnamable, Journal of Beckett Studies 16, no.1-21-2 (Jan 2006): 204–222. Anne Scott Emotion, moral perception, and nursing practice, Nursing Philosophy 1, no.22 (Oct 2000): 123–133. Turski Experience and Expression: The Moral Linguistic Constitution of Emotions, Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 21, no.44 (Dec 1991): 373–392. Denvir “Deep Dialogue”—James Joyce's Contribution To American Constitutional Theory, Law & Literature 3, no.11 (Nov 2014): 1–19. Nussbaum Beyond Obsession and Disgust: Lucretius's Genealogy of Love, Apeiron 22, no.11 (Jan 1989): 1–60.