In everyday life division appears in the two contexts, partitive or measurement context. Teaching division algorithm is based on analyzing the context through operating numerical models, consciousizing the division algorithm process consisting of the partial multiplications between divisor and quotient, and formalizing the calculation principle. In these processes, it is important to manipulate models and express the result of manipuation appropriately to the context. However, it is identified that the model manipulation and the sympbolic expression of model manipulation are not accord with. In the elementary school mathematics textbooks, the product of divisor and quotient appearing in division algorithm is expressed in the measuremet context. This inconsistency presents a significant educational challenge in elementary mathematics, which requires guiding the formalized principles of mathematics through manipulation activities for specific models. In this study, the characteristics of the product of divisor and quotient appearing in the division algorithm were analyzed, and based on this, some suggestion was presented to improve teaching division algorithm.
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