Based on the problems that occur at SDN Pangkah 07, Pangkah sub-district, Tegal district, through observations and interviews, it was revealed that the learning resources used to implement the Merdeka Curriculum are still limited. The teaching materials currently used are LKS which have not been able to improve students' scientific literacy. This causes it to be less in accordance with the characteristics of the material studied with students. So that students find it difficult to understand the material. Based on these problems, it is necessary to develop teaching materials that are packaged into ethnoscientific teaching materials. This research is a Research and Development (R&D) research using development procedures with the research model from (Thiagarajan, Semmel & Semmel, 1974) using the stages of 4D development research consisting of 4 stages namely Define, Design, Development and Dissemination. The results of this study indicate that ethnoscience-laden science teaching materials on the material of the form of substances and their changes to improve students' science literacy in elementary schools were successfully developed with average results on material experts 0.91 categorised as very valid, language experts 0.92 very valid and media experts 0.94 very valid. Effectiveness obtained 80% of the effective category is used. The practicality of the results of the teacher response questionnaire averaged 100% very practical from three aspects and the results of the student questionnaire averaged 90% very practical. So it can be concluded based on the data obtained, the characteristics of ethnoscience-loaded teaching materials are: a) in the form of printed teaching materials and links; b) ethnoscience-loaded teaching materials that take local wisdom. The ethnoscience teaching materials produced are in the very valid category, which is obtained from the assessment of validators or experts. The ethnoscience-loaded teaching materials produced with the n-gain value of the effective category, also obtained the results of teacher and student responses in the very practical category. Suggestions from the author of ethnoscience-loaded teaching materials need to be developed again on other science materials and aspects of science literacy attitudes and ethnoscience-loaded teaching materials that have been developed can be used as a reference by other researchers in carrying out similar research Keywords: Social Sciences teaching materials, Ethnoscience, Scientific Literacy
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