Nasal valve function depends on the intensity of the inspiratory nasal airflow, the geometry of the nasal entrance and the mechanical properties of the lateral nasal wall. It is desirable to obtain objective information on the relation between flow and valve movement. In this study, the deflection of the lateral nasal wall and the inspiratory flow were measured on 30 healthy volunteers, aged 18 to 82 without a history of severe trauma or nasal surgery. Electro-optical distance sensors were housed under a full-face protective mask attached to an analogue inspiratory flowmeter. The mean values for normal breathing were assessed at 675 [cm3/s] for the bilateral flow and −0.57 mm for the total movement. With forced breathing, the mean values for the flow of both nostrils were found to be 1434 cm3/s and for the total movement −1.21 mm. Statistically significant differences between normal and forced breathing were found in all participants and in both sexes, but no significant correlation by age. Electro-optical distance measurement, representing a novel technical way for the ‘elastography’ of the nasal valve should be added to advanced 4-phase-rhinomanometers.
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