There are still numerous open questions with regards to adsorption phenomena and partial charge transfer at electrode interfaces. The dynamic nature electrode structure and adsorbate ordering makes an analysis solely based on thermodynamic considerations limited. Here we present recently collected data with such an analysis, using different concentrations of chloride anions in both acidic and neutral electrolytes, for well-defined Au (111) electrodes. Cyclic voltammograms and charge density data is obtained. Then the electrocapillary equation: "-dγ = σMdE + ΓCl-RTdln(cKCl)" is used to get the relative interfacial tension plot and later the electrosorption valency. In the future we will improve on this by more accurately placing the PZC of charge density measurements, using laser induced temperature jump transients and combining our interpretation with state-of-the-art molecular-dynamics using ground state machine learned potentials. Figure 1
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