Chickpea is a short-stature crop with slow initial growth and limited leaf area development due to which it is heavily infested with a wide spectrum of weeds. The menace of weeds has increased to such an extent that an ef- fective weed management schedule has become a necessity. A research study was conducted during the rabi season of 2021–22 at the Agronomy Research Farm, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana. Thirteen weed control treatments viz., pre-plant incorporation (PPI) and pre-emergence (PRE) pendimethalin at 1,000 g/ha, PPI imazethapyr at 75 g/ha and 100 g/ha, PRE imazethapyr at 75 g/ha and 100 g/ha, post-emergence (PoE) imazethapyr at 75 g/ha and 100 g/ha, PPI and PRE pendimethalin + imazethapyr Ready mix (RM) at 1,000 g/h and two hand hoeings at 30 and 50 DAS were compared with weedy check and weed free in a randomized block design and replicated thrice. Among the herbicides, lowest weed dry weight was observed un- der PPI and PRE pendimethalin + imazethapyr (RM) at 1,000 g/ha respectively. PoE application of imazethapyr displayed phytotoxicity symptoms like stunting, leaf crinkling, and chlorosis as indicated by phytotoxicity scale ranging from 1-5. Significantly higher seed yield was obtained by pendimethalin + imazethapyr (1,827 kg/ha) over other combinations. Therefore, the PRE-application of pendimethalin + imazethapyr (RM) at 1,000 g/ha was the most suitable herbicide for efficient weed management in chickpea as it not only controlled the diverse weed flora but also improved seed yield.