Abstract Background Stress has a bad impact on mental, physical, psychological health of teacher and it can interfere with job performance and job satisfaction. This study will not only measure the frequency of work related stress among teachers but it also will correlate the work related stress, anxiety and depression with the different risk factors in school environment and their effect on the health status of the teacher. Objective To measure the frequency of work related stress,anxiety and depression among school teachers in governmental schools in kobri el koba district, to measure the frequency and extent to which school teachers are exposed to possible riskfactors of stress in school environment as well as to study the possible effects of work related stress, anxiety, depression on school teachers. participants and Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted on 400 teachers from governmental school in kobri elkoba district and their ages range from 20 to 59years old and the percentage of males (35.8%) is almost half the percentage of the females (64.3%). Results There were significant positive correlations between stresss score, anxiety& depression scores. In Logistic regression for factors favouring having anxiety (E. Sev) among the studied teachers: question number 63 in the sources of administrative stress which is (the lack of the support from the administration) was significant factors that increased the anxiety, while single status was a significant factor that decreased the anxiety. In Logistic regression for factors favouring having depression (Sev/E. Sev) among the studied teachers: School grades (preparatory and secondary) were significant factors that decreased the depresssion, while question number 66 in the sources of administrative stress which is (No participation in the adoption of administrative decisions) also question number 71which is (the school administration interferes with all my responsibilities) were significant factors that increased the depresssion. Conclusion Drawn from this study is that the degree of work related stress, anxiety and depression among teachers in governmental schools in kobri el koba district is considerably high. This indicates that we are in need to do Further studies on teachers for better assessment of the epidemiology of work related stress, anxiety and depression and the risk factors also Intervention studies are highly recommended as the prevelance of stress, anxiety and depression in the present study is almost 100% which is considered extremely high and in need to urgent intervention,Authorities should be informed about the results and should be encouraged to reduce work related stress, anxiety and depression, Asking the competent authorities to increase salaries to be suitable with the requirements of the life, Establishment of committee to assess stress, anxiety and depression among teachers and to suggest the coping strategies,Informal group meeting should be periodically held between managers and the teachers to allow expression of feelings, to promote lines of communication where constructive critical feedback from supervisors and subordinates can be exchanged, and to provide a sense of success through rewards, appreciation and recognition of task completion.