Introduction: Family is the central focus in the life of toddlers. A toddler in turn exerts considerable influence on all the other family members, regardless of the size and form of the family unit. As toddlers begin to interact with others outside the family, the parents help the child to conform to the expectations of the society. The most important societal demand made on the child during this period is the control of elimination. Materials and Methods: In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a preexperimental study approach was adopted for the study. The conceptual framework used for the study was based on General System Theory. A close-ended questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of parents on toilet training. A pilot study was conducted in an anganwadi, situated in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India, and there were no major problems encountered while conducting the study. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample. The sample consisted of forty parents of toddlers. The main study was conducted in an anganwadi, situated in Shimla area. The data collected were systematically tabulated to facilitate the data analysis. The collected data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The analysis of the demographic variables revealed that majority (40%) of the participants are in the age group of 26–30 years. Among the participants, most (52.5%) of them completed high school education. The highest percentages (90%) of the samples were females. Majority of the participants (80%) are Hindus and 20% are Muslims. Most of them (57.5%) were having two children and 67.5% of them have their second child as toddler. A majority (77.5%) are homemakers. Most of them (67.5%) are living in joint families. Majority (37.5%) of the participants' monthly income is between 4001 and 6000. All the participants received information regarding toilet training, and among them, 40% got information from elders, relatives, or friends. The assessment of the knowledge among parents on toilet training revealed that majority (60%) of the parents had moderate knowledge, 35% had poor knowledge, and 5% had good knowledge. None of the participants had very good knowledge. The overall mean knowledge score was 14.03 ± 2.665, with a mean percentage of 46.75%, revealing that the overall knowledge of the parents regarding toilet training is moderate. Area-wise analysis of knowledge score revealed that the parents had the highest knowledge in the area of meaning of toilet training and its readiness with a mean percentage of 57% and least in the area of steps of toilet training with a mean percentage of 41.43%. The assessment of the effectiveness of video-assisted teaching program on toilet training revealed that the total mean knowledge score is increased by 25.83% with a mean ± standard deviation (SD) of 7.75 ± 2.55 after the administration of video-assisted teaching program. The pretest mean was 14.03 with that of SD ± 2.665 and posttest mean was 21.78 with that of SD ± 2.616. The pretest knowledge level was average in 60%, poor in 35%, and good in 2% and posttest knowledge level was very good in 12.5%, good in 70.5%, and average in 12.5% of the parents. The cumulative frequency distribution of pre- and post-test knowledge scores shown in the Ogives shows a significant difference between the pre- and post-test scores. The knowledge pretest median was 13.50, whereas the posttest median score was 21.50. It shows a difference of 9 in knowledge. Association between pretest knowledge with demographic variables revealed that there was a significant association between the preexisting knowledge with these demographic variables on toilet training. Conclusion: Experts suggest that it is easier to train a child on toileting skills when he/she is at least 18 months old, and for boys, it is better to wait even longer because they usually lack the necessary language and fine motor skills. This time frame is much easier to use because of the child wanting to please his/her parents.