Previous articleNext article No AccessMunicipal Fiscal Structure in a Metropolitan RegionJulius MargolisJulius Margolis Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Journal of Political Economy Volume 65, Number 3Jun., 1957 Article DOI Views: 5Total views on this site Citations: 17Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1957 The University of ChicagoPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Cheng Shi, Mengyang Liu, Yu Ye Measuring the Degree of Balance between Urban and Tourism Development: An Analytical Approach Using Cellular Data, Sustainability 13, no.1717 (Aug 2021): 9598. Huang, Yujie Hu, Jiaoe Wang, Xiang Li A tale of two cities: Jobs–housing balance and urban spatial structures from the perspective of transit commuters, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 48, no.66 (Jul 2020): 1543–1557. Hamidur Rahman, Fajle Rabbi Ashik Is neighborhood level Jobs-Housing Balance associated with travel behavior of commuters?: a case study on Dhaka City, Bangladesh, GeoScape 14, no.22 (Dec 2020): 122–133. Atif Bilal Aslam, Houshmand E. Masoumi, Syed Arif Hussain Urban travel characteristics in relation with jobs-housing balance and accessibility: results of a survey in Lahore, Pakistan, GeoScape 13, no.11 (Jul 2019): 31–54. Huang, David Levinson, Jiaoe Wang, Haitao Jin Job-worker spatial dynamics in Beijing: Insights from Smart Card Data, Cities 86 (Mar 2019): 83–93. Kelobonye, Feng Mao, Jianhong Xia, Mohammad Swapan, Gary McCarney The Impact of Employment Self-Sufficiency Measures on Commuting Time: Case Study of Perth, Australia, Sustainability 11, no.55 (Mar 2019): 1488. Li, Nawei Wu, Xiaoyong Tang, Jia Lu Understanding Job-Housing Relationship from Cell Phone Data Based on Hadoop, (Sep 2017): 359–387. Wu, Ming Zhang, Daniel Yang Jobs-Housing Balance: The Right Ratio for the Right Place, (Jan 2015): 311–333. R.A. Koster, Jan Rouwendal THE IMPACT OF MIXED LAND USE ON RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY VALUES*, Journal of Regional Science 52, no.55 (Jul 2012): 733–761. R. Logan, Mark Schneider SUBURBAN MUNICIPAL EXPENDITURES: THE EFFECTS OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY, FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND REGIONAL CONTEXT*, Policy Studies Journal 9, no.77 (Jun 1981): 1039–1050. D. Gustely The Allocational and Distributional Impacts of Governmental Consolidation, Urban Affairs Quarterly 12, no.33 (Aug 2016): 349–364. John R. Logan Industrialization and the Stratification of Cities in Suburban Regions, American Journal of Sociology 82, no.22 (Oct 2015): 333–348. S. Perloff The Development of Urban Economics in the United States, Urban Studies 10, no.33 (Jul 2016): 289–301. O’Connor Social Capital Expenditures: Social Consumption, (Jan 1973): 124–149. Edel Land values and the costs of urban congestion: Measurement and distribution, Social Science Information 10, no.66 (Dec 1971): 7–36. Schiltz, William Moffitt Inner-City/Outer-City Relationships in Metropolitan Areas, Urban Affairs Quarterly 7, no.11 (Aug 2016): 75–108. von Borries Local Finance and Community Development, Journal of the American Institute of Planners 30, no.11 (Dec 2007): 34–45.
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