Aim. To evaluate the molecular genetic polymorphism of representatives of the genus Pinus L. on the territory of the "Boloto Mshana" nature reserve, as well as to test the hypothesis about their possible local hybridization Methods. DNA extraction using CTAB and DNeasy Plant Pro Kit, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers for the chloroplast DNA and genes encoding β-tubulin (TBP markers), electrophoresis of DNA in a polyacrylamide gel with silver nitrate staining. Results. DNA profiles of P. mugo, P. sylvestris and probably P. uliginosa (21 samples in total) were analyzed using one chloroplast DNA marker and two DNA markers based on introns of β-tubulin genes (ТВР, сТВР). The intraspecific genetic polymorphism of the species was compared and the probability of the existence of hybrid forms was investigated. Conclusions. The marker based on the 2nd intron of the β-tubulin genes turned out to be the most effective and informative DNA marker for studying representatives of the Pinus L. genus. P. sylvestris showed less genetic polymorphism by the investigated genetic markers, compared to P. mugo and P. uliginosa. Possible hybrid forms (P. mugo ✕ P. sylvestris) or P. uliginosa were also discovered.