Highly viscous media are used in a number of process industries, such as the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, and food industries. Design of mass transfer equipment for such media is very difficult because of the rather limited experimental data. Therefore, the absorption of oxygen from air into glycerol—water solutions has been studied under different operating conditions and sieve tray geometries (namely, hole diameter and hole spacing). Furthermore, the results of supplementary absorption experiments of oxygen into squalane (C30H62) show that the results with the system oxygen—glycerol—water are transferable to other systems.Chemical, pharmaceutical, and petrochemical as well as food industries have to deal increasingly with processes where mass transfer in highly viscous media is involved. Design of mass transfer equipment for such media is very difficult because of the rather limited experimental data. Therefore, a study was started to partially fill this gap; in particular, it deals with evaporation of pure cyclohexanol into air [2] as well as absorption of oxygen from air into glycerol—water solutions on a sieve tray [3-6].In this paper the influence of the sieve tray geometry on mass transfer was studied. The following observations were made concerning the effect of hole diameter and hole spacing.1.(1) In the bubble and spray regime (υG < 1 m s−1) for low viscosities there is no effect of the hole diameter on the efficiency.2.(2) At higher viscosities and low gas velocities an increasing hole diameter results in a reduction of mass transfer.3.(3) In the drop regime (υG > 1 m s−1), i.e. for high gas velocities, an improvement in the efficiency is noticed for sieve trays with larger holes.4.(4) In the bubble and spray regimes there is no effect of the hole spacing on mass transfer for low and high viscosities.5.(5) In the drop regime a better efficiency is obtained with higher hole spacing.The experimental results are explained well with the recently developed model based on high-speed photographs, which divides the two-phase fluid on a sieve tray into three distinct zones, as shown in Fig. 2. The droplet formation zone which represents break-up of the bubbles at the fluid surface into liquid laminae and droplets, as well as the mass transfer between the droplets formed and the surrounding gas, plays a dominant role with respect to the total mass transferred.Supplementary absorption experiments of oxygen into squalane have been carried out to indicate the transferability of the results to hydrocarbon systems. A comparison of these results with those of the absorption of oxygen into glycerol—water mixtures shows excellent agreement of the basic trends.