Abstract: Faced with the current negative population growth in China, the education market will face new challenges and changes. The top priority of the economic downturn in the education market is, first and foremost, to solve the problem of a decrease in the number of students. Based on the reduction of student sources, the supply-demand imbalance in the education market can be analyzed first, followed by several direct reasons, such as social pressure and government fiscal deficits. After identifying the problem, the root cause of the school's student population can be solved based on the problem, or corresponding measures can be taken to alleviate the surplus of teaching staff caused by negative population growth, such as providing no age-limitation or establishing international enrollment, adjusting regional development imbalance in the education field, adjusting teacher resources and the nature of work, and reallocating learning resources. These measures can promote the reform of the Chinese education market, alleviate the financial crisis caused by the decrease in enrollment in Chinese schools, and make the Chinese education market constantly full of vitality and vigor.