Canton, Ohio, March, 9, 1901. <h3>To the Editor:</h3> —Since you have considered it of sufficient importance to give editorial space to an article on the above subject, it may be of interest to know of a case where, for extra-uterine pregnancy, it was necessary, in the laparotomy done for relief, to remove the left Fallopian tube and ovary. This woman, with a right ovary intact and a left ovary removed, has since given birth to two children, with an interval of several years between births. The first child was a female, the second a male. One would think that in this day there would be a sufficient number of mono-ovarian women giving birth to children, for one wishing to lay down a scientific theory, based on the hypothesis of ovarian determination of sex, to have led to an investigation of that phase of the subject for facts. Very truly,