In the context of COVID-19 pandemic, patients with serious chronic somatic pathologies were the most vulnerable. Such risk groups include patients with epidermolysis bullosae EB. For this category of patients it is rather an opportunity to more or less realistically and comprehensively assess individual components of their physical (somatic), psychological, social life. We believe that the indicators of quality of life of patients determine not so much the severity of the pathological process, but how they psychologically tolerate and are aware of their disease and the resulting realities of life and prospects.Objective — to assess the impact of long-term quarantine of patients with EB on quality of their life by HADS, VAS, МОS SF-36 scales. Materials and methods. The study of quality of life was conducted on the basis of the classical approach to quantitative assessment of the subjective state developed by Stevens-Galanter in 1957. The respondent himself assessed his own condition depending on the indicators defined in the text of the questionnaire: physical (strength, energy, fatigue, pain, discomfort, sleep, rest); psychological (positive emotions, memory, concentration, self-esteem, appearance, negative feelings), level of independence (daily activity, efficiency, dependence on treatment and medication); social life (relationships, social value of the subject, sexual activity); environment (well-being, safety, life, quality and accessibility of medical and social services, availability of information, opportunities for education and training, leisure); spirituality (religion, personal beliefs).Results and discussion. The information obtained during re-testing of EB patients (during quarantine) and its analysis allowed us to assess unequivocally and objectively the changes in the psychological assessment, reveal the somatic lesions of the skin, eyes, nails, larynx, mouth and their attitude to public life, the environment, the level of anxiety and the degree of mental stress.Conclusions. A significant negative impact of the long time self-isolation on quality of life of patients with EB has not been found, due to the fact that patients in quarantine, due to the specifics of their pathology, did not often directly contact with other people outside their family. Such restriction in intimate communication for them did not become something psychologically and socially significant. A round-the-clock stay of both patients and their family members at home led to a sharp «reduction» in the social distance between them, contributed to a marked increase in their sense of security, improved, levelled up direct communication, everyday quality of life. Quarantine sharply and psychologically unexpectedly limited the possibilities of personal contacts and thereby almost equalled in time and frequency the remote contacts of patients with EB and healthy people.
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