The Qianlishan granite stock consists of three peraluminous granites; in order of intrusion they are pseudoporphyritic biotite granite, equigranular biotite granite, and dikes of granite porphyry. There is no obvious evolutionary relationship in petrochemistry between the first two granitoids and the granite porphyry. From pseudoporphyritic biotite granite to equigranular biotite granite, the differentiation degree increases so that the basic elements and the Zr/Hf and La/Yb ratios decrease, Eu depletion is stronger, and acid-incompatible elements, volatile components, ore-forming elements, and Rb/Sr and U/Th ratios increase. The first two phases of granitic intrusions are associated with polymetallic tungsten mineralization. The differentiation degree of the granite porphyry is lower than that of the two early granitic rocks, and so are its Rb/Sr and U/Th ratios; Zr/Hf and La/Yb ratios, however, are higher, and Eu depletion becomes weaker. The granite porphyry is associated with lead, zinc, and silver mi...
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