Community Partnership Program (PKM): Integrative Holistic PAUD Assistance aims to provide knowledge for teachers at Anak Soleh IT Kindergarten. Implementation of this service activity includes three stages, namely preparation, implementation and evaluation. At the implementation stage, the methods used include lectures, discussions, questions and answers. The needs of children do not only emphasize educational aspects, but also include aspects of nutritional services, health services, care and child protection. To implement this policy, the government continues to encourage and expand opportunities for the community to participate in developing early childhood education services through the establishment of various types of early childhood education units (PAUD). PAUD is held in two educational channels, namely formal and non-formal. To make this happen, an important role is played by parents, educators, legal practitioners, health and counselors as well as early childhood education staff. Based on the results of this activity, information was obtained that the problem faced was that parents and educators and educational staff did not fully understand the importance of Integrative Holistic PAUD (HI PAUD) so that there was no good collaboration between parents, schools and partners
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