The results of fluid regime and seismic source studysuggest that the formation and arrangement of the riftogenesis attractor structures (RAS) in the lithosphereof the Baikal Rift System (BRS) are caused by thedynamics and energy release of the fluid systems. Themechanism of RAS formation and functioning arebased on the processes of selforganization in fluidizedmelts and rocks at different decompression regimes.The absolute majority of fluid systems of the lithosphere are open dissipative ones with selforganizationprocesses typical for them; the degree of manifestationof these selforganization processes depends on theenergy state of the system and the position relative tothe equilibrium state [1]. The lithosphere was selforganized on a global level in the Early Archaean,when the energy potential of dissipation was maximaland degassing was of an areal character. As the energypotential of fluid transfer decreased, the style of allendogenous processes changed from areal to belt andlinear at the boundary between the Archaean and Proterozoic. Later on, processes of lithosphere fluidization were located along linear zones of energy dissipation (deep faults). The deeper mantle levels werereached by a fault, the higher the solvent ability andenergy capacity of a fluid were, the stronger the selforganization of matter in the fault was. As a result,hightemperature massdemanding deep fluid systemsformed and then melting sources, zones of regionalmetasomatosis, and autonomous orebearing fluidsystems were organized on their basis in the upperlithosphere.The role played by deep fluids in the formation ofregional tectonic structures is exceptionally great, soany tectonic zone of higher fluid conductivitybecomes a selforganizing system in the future. Notethat the role played by tectonic factor is obviouslydeterminative at the first stage, but fluid systemsbecome so at the following stages. It is fluid systemsthat are forces breaking and restructuring the lithosphere after the influence of the tectonic factor finished. For the structures of this kind, three evolutionstages are distinguished: (1) disturbance of stationarity, (2) growth of the system’s energy potential withenergy absorption and the system’s selforganization,and (3) reduction of the energy potential and fade outof the system as an active fluidconductor. Analysis ofthe global geochronological data on the “lifetime” offluidized zones in the lithosphere indicates that theselonglived systems evolve under an oscillating regime.In the hierarchy of natural systems, intracontinental rift systems, consisting of deep fault zones andzones functioning in a relatively narrow thermodynamical regime, are classified as mesosystems [2]. It isknown that processes of different kinds run in openstationary systems, but the average parameters of theseprocesses do not change in any chosen time interval,while they vary in different parts of the system [3].These systems that change in space and time are identified as dynamic ones [4], and it follows from the theory that dissipative dynamic systems in geological–geophysical media must have spatiotemporal attractors, which are classified as riftogenesis attractors interms of the lithosphere of the rift zone; riftogenesisattractors are the zones in the medium and time periods, where and when earthquakes with normal faultingmechanisms dominate. Based on the data on earthquake source parameters in the BRS lithosphere, threeRASs are distinguished (Fig. 1) [5], and the timeattractors reflect the “assembling” structure in termsof an evolutionary scenario with bifurcation of tripleequilibrium [6]. In accordance with the actualismprinciple, RASs are considered as attributes of theBRS Cenozoic dynamics [7], and the three stages ofvolcanic activation are explained by consecutive origination and development of the three RASs: firstly inthe South Baikal Basin (Late Cretaceous–Paleocene),then in the Khubsugul Basin (Eocene–Oligocene),and finally in the Muya Basin (postOligocene). Two“rifting” stages [8], growing rates of rift processes, andpropagation of riftogenesis in the southwest andnortheast directions from the South Baikal Basin arerelated to the appearance and twoway evolution of the
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