In this paper we investigate two generalized human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) dynamics models with impaired antibody immunity. The models include both latently and actively infected cells. Three infection mechanisms are incorporated into the models, viral infection mechanism (VIM), latent cellular infection mechanism (CIM) and active CIM. The three infection rates are provided by generic nonlinear functions. The second model includes three types of distributed time delays. We find that our models are biologically feasible. The global stability analysis of equilibria are performed and found the basic reproduction ratio (R0) as a threshold parameter. Using Lyapunov method we show that, the virus-free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable when R0≤1 and the virus-persistence equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable when R0>1. Sensitivity analysis on R0 is studied. To support our theoretical results we provide some numerical simulations. We have demonstrated that R0 is influenced by all three of the infection types, and that if one of them were ignored, R0 would be underestimated. This might lead to inadequate medication effectiveness that aims to remove HIV-1 from the body. The effects of time delay and impaired antibody immunity on HIV-1 progression are examined. According to our research, lowered immunity is a significant factor in the infection's growth. Furthermore, time delays might drastically reduce R0, which would prevent HIV-1 from replicating. The information provided by our research in this work can improve our comprehension of HIV-1 dynamics within-host and provide guidance for the creation of novel pharmacological treatments.