The Game of Life, created by John Conway in 1970, is a solitary game that utilizes a grid of living or dead cells. Through simple rules of interaction, the game evolves automatically from an initial configuration set by the player. The game takes place on a theoretically infinite grid, although in practice, a finite grid is used due to physical or programming limitations. Each cell interacts with its neighbors following predefined rules. This project employed the JavaScript library React.js to implement a graphical interface that allows the user to interact with the Game of Life and observe the generated patterns. An application was created that displays a grid where different patterns and configurations can be applied, and the simulation speed can be controlled. It serves as a model for understanding and studying complex and dynamic phenomena. By exploring and applying it in programming using tools like React.js, a better understanding of dynamic systems and pattern generation can be obtained. The obtained results showcase the evolution of the game over time, generating changing patterns and demonstrating the complexity and diversity of emergent behaviors.
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