Introduction. Dorsopathy occurs in 90 % of people throughout life, and is in the first place for the duration of temporary disability in people after 45 years. The sanatorium-resort phase of rehabilitation, including usually physiobalneotherapy, is important in the treatment of dorsopathy. Radon therapy is one of the physiobalneotherapy types. However the effectiveness of radon monotherapy is not more than 25–38 % for various forms of dorsopathy. Therefore a combination of balneotherapy with additional methods of infl uencing on the organism is used in modern balneology to increase the effectiveness of therapy and to ensure the achievement of a positive treatment result in a shorter time without pathological balneoreaction and exacerbation. Osteopathic correction can be considered as such an additional method of infl uencing on the organism, because it triggers a cascade of regulatory reactions at the local, regional and global levels, and these reactions have a cumulative and prolonged effect.The goal of research — to substantiate the possibility of osteopathic correction using in conjunction with radon baths at the sanatorium-resort stage of rehabilitation in patients suffering from dorsopathy.Materials and methods. The study involved women aged 25 to 60 years, with a diagnosis of dorsopathy, taking radon therapy. Using the method of simple randomization with a random number generator, the main group (30 people who received radon therapy and osteopathic correction, OC), and the control group (30 people who received only radon therapy) were allocated. At the beginning and the end of treatment the osteopathic status examination of each patient was conducted in parallel with the study of their reactive anxiety level, assessed according to the Spielberger–Hanin scale, the body′s resistance to hypoxia, assessed in the Stange test by the length of breath-holding after inspiration, and the adaptive capacity of the circulatory system, assessed by Coefficient of adaptation L. Kh. Garkavi. The results were processed using nonparametric statistics.Results. It was found that if OC was included in radon balneotherapy, the state of patients suffering from dorsopathy improves statistically significantly (p<0,0001) by the following indicators: the total number of somatic dysfunctions in patients and the number of regional dysfunctions decreased, the level of reactive anxiety decreased, the body′s resistance to hypoxia increased, the adaptive potential of the circulatory system increased. The changes of all indicators in the main group receiving OC in addition to radon therapy were significantly more pronounced than in the control group receiving only radon therapy (p≤0,0001).Conclusion. The results obtained during this study allow recommending the use of osteopathic correction to enhance the effect of the sanatorium-resort treatment.