The article attempts to ground the importance of developing by the future translators/interpreters dealing in specialized translation the skill of consideration of peculiarities of a communicative situation of specialized translation. The necessity of developing this important translation skill seems natural since it is dictated by the circumstances of realizability of translation activity which is always carried out in a certain communicative situation. The particularity of each communicative situation of specialized translation conditions the linguistic composition of a target text which may vary from one communicative situation to another from either the formal and structural or contextual and conceptual point of view. To prove the fairness of his assertions the author, in particular, appeals to the concept of terminological synonymy/terminological doublet reflection and studies it through the prism of theoretical principles of communicative and functional approach to translation. Such a translatological view of the synonymy/doublet reflection helps the author to find a balance between opposite ways of understanding of this concept by various terminologists and offer a general translatological definition of doublet terms. This definition is fully responsive to a whole variety of communicative situations of specialized translation the particularity of which in each single case instead of a source standardized term may condition in a target language the use of its doublet represented by a professionalism, substandard language unit, conversation vocabulary unit, jargonism, dialectism, slang. Such real life examples of fulfilling professional translation activity as well as others worth becoming subjects of separate researches which contribute to the confirmation of the fact that the translators/interpreters behavior, the progress of a translation process and its result depend on the peculiarities of a certain communicative situation of specialized translation, should be taken into account when teaching students translation from the very first practical studies of specialized translation. Securing the achievement of the goal of acquiring by the students the ability of analyzing and considering the particularity of the given communicative situation in which he/she is supposed to make a translation of a specialized text should be listed among the competencies of a translator trainer.
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