We generalize soft theorems of the nonlinear sigma model beyond the mathcal{O} (p2) amplitudes and the coset of SU(N) × SU(N)/SU(N). We first discuss the universal flavor ordering of the amplitudes for the Nambu-Goldstone bosons, so that we can reinterpret the known mathcal{O} (p2) single soft theorem for SU(N) × SU(N)/SU(N) in the context of a general symmetry group representation. We then investigate the special case of the fundamental representation of SO(N), where a special flavor ordering of the “pair basis” is available. We provide novel amplitude relations and a Cachazo-He-Yuan formula for such a basis, and derive the corresponding single soft theorem. Next, we extend the single soft theorem for a general group representation to mathcal{O} (p4), where for at least two specific choices of the mathcal{O} (p4) operators, the leading non-vanishing pieces can be interpreted as new extended theory amplitudes involving bi-adjoint scalars, and the corresponding soft factors are the same as at mathcal{O} (p2). Finally, we compute the general formula for the double soft theorem, valid to all derivative orders, where the leading part in the soft momenta is fixed by the mathcal{O} (p2) Lagrangian, while any possible corrections to the subleading part are determined by the mathcal{O} (p4) Lagrangian alone. Higher order terms in the derivative expansion do not contribute any new corrections to the double soft theorem.
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