In this paper, we research the fractional coupled Hirota equations with variable coefficients describing the collisions of two waves in deep oceans and the propagation of ultrashort light pulses in birefringent fibers and successfully acquire the double-hump one-soliton, two-solitons and N-solitons solutions via the Hirota bilinear method. At the same time, the Bäcklund transformation and the corresponding soliton solutions are also obtained. Based on the precise forms of the solitons solutions, we gain double-hump solitons images with different shapes including U-shape, V-shape and wave-type by assigning proper functions to the group velocity dispersion and the third-order dispersion and analyze the interaction dynamics of double-hump solitons. It is worth noting that the Hirota bilinear operators involved here are fractional rather than integer, which has never appeared in previous literatures.