The mouse t complex (also known as the T locus or T/t complex) is a large region of chromosome 17 that has intrigued geneticists for more than 50 years with its striking and unorthodox features. These include suppression of recombination, disturbances of embryonic development and alterations of sperm differentiation and function. Much of our knowledge concerning the properties of this genetic complex is based on the early work performed by S. Gluecksohn Waelsch and L. C. Dunn with mutant forms of the t complex called t haplotypes (previously known as t alleles or t mutations). Many t haplotypes are characterized by lethal actions at particular stages during early embryogenesis. Lethal t haplotypes can be placed into a number of groups where members of each group do not complement each other. Complementation between t haplotypes of different groups is not complete, and prenatal death occurs in many, but not all, doubly heterozygous (V/t”) embryos. Furthermore, all males doubly heterozygous for two lethal haplotypes are completely sterile. Other genes defined separately from t haplotypes but mapping within the t complex include Brachyury (T), Kinky (Fuk’) and Knobbly (Fukb), which are recessive embryonic lethals; Hybrid sterility-l (Hst-7) and Quaking (qk), which cause male-specific sterility; Hye, which affects the level of male-specific H-Y antigen expression; and Gtl, which determines acceptance or rejection specifically of embryonal carcinoma cell grafts. All observations to date imply a crucial role for the t complex in mechanisms of development and differentiation. At the present time, however, the molecular events responsible for these t complex effects remain elusive. This review will therefore focus on recent advances in our understanding of the structure, rather than the function, of this region. All known t haplotypes originated from wild populations, and almost all wild mouse populations analyzed from around the world have been found to be polymorphic for lethal or semi-lethal t haplotypes. Maintenance of a deleterious gene in a wild population is unexpected, but can be accounted for in this case by a further property of t haplotypes called transmission-ratio distortion (also known as segregation distortion). A wild heterozygous (+/t) male can transmit his t haplotype to more than 95% of his offspring, and it appears that the advantage of the t haplotype at fertilization can overcome the disadvantage of a certain frequency of homozygous lethality in the population as a whole. Genetic systems that involve the maintenance of deleterious gene complexes in wild populations by transmission-ratio distortion have been identified in other well studied species, and include the SD complex of Drosophila melanogaster, and the Spore Killer (SK) complex in Neurospora (Turner and Minireviews
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