Wilt of lentil is most damaging disease of lentil caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lentis. It causes severe crop damage from vegetative to reproducing stage which results in yield reduction. Fol isolates shows high variability and aggressiveness according to the climatic condition. So to overcome from this disease there are many ways of management like by cultural, mechanical, biological and chemical practices. Resistant variety selection is one of the best ecofriendly cultural management of the disease. So for this purpose one hundred genotypes were taken and screened through pot screening technique under glasshouse was carried out at the Student Instructional Farm (SIF), in the department of Plant Pathology, Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Ayodhya, which is situated in the IndoGangatic plains of eastern Uttar Pradesh at a latitude of 26.470 and an altitude of 113 meters above sea level during Rabi 2020-21. One hundred genotypes of lentil were obtained from the Department of Genetics and Plant breeding, N.D. University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Ayodhya and IIPR, Kalyanpur, Kanpur (U.P.).Out of 100 genotypes, 41 genotypes were found highly resistant, 30 genotypes resistant, 8 genotypes moderately resistant, 10 genotypes susceptible and 11 genotypes highly susceptible to Fusarium wilt.