Radioautographic effects result from properties of ionizing radiations which act on a special photographic emulsion by leaving tracks in silver halide crystals. The phenomenon was observed in 1896 by Henri Becquerel [4] working at the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris, by placing accidentally a crystal of uranium salt on a photographic plate protected from light. When he later developed the plate forgotten in a drawer, he was astonished to observe that the form of the uranium crystal was imprinted on the photographic emulsion. Becquerel gave first an erroneous interpretation of this unexpected phenomenon: he thought it was caused by some unknown radiations secondarily emitted by the phosphorescent property of this mineral. However, this impression could be reproduced when the crystal was left in a darkroom. Hence, he postulated that uranium itself was able to produce radiations which could not be detected by the eye but by photographic emulsion. His contribution to the discovery of the natural radioactivity was rewarded by a Nobel prize he shared with Made and Pierre Curie in 1903. In fact, Becquerel not only discovered radioactive radiations, but he invented simultaneously the principle of radioautography: the uranium crystal reproduced its outline by emitting radiations which were registered in the photographic emulsion. The principle of this method was applied 30 years later to detect the site of natural radioactive atoms in biological samples. In 1924, A Lacassagne and J Latt~s [39] at the Institut Curie imagined to place a photographic plate in contact with slices of organs previously embedded in paraffin blocks. When rabbits were given polonium, the radioactive radiations emitted, by polonium incorporated into the organs produced a blackening of the photographic plates. Thus the images provided a distribution of polonium in various tissues, but this technique did not allow to obtain a resolution at the cellular level and if one excepts radiotoxicological investigations, radioautographic applications of natural radioactivity were rather limited. A new impulse was given by the discovery of artificial radioactivity; FrEdEric and Irene Joliot-Curie, working at the Coll~ge de France, opened indeed new vistas to radioautography by extending the production of a great variety of radioactive isotopes which have been proved to be essential tools to put forth new concepts in physiology, pharmacology and medicine. As early as 1938, F Joliot, fascinated by the biological applications of this discovery, asked A Lacassagne to collaborate. The latter proposed CP Leblond, a young histologist educated at the FacultE catholique de mEdecine de Lille, to study the location of the 128I iodine isotope, produced by cyclotron, in the thyroid gland by radioautography [44]. This project was interrupted by World War II, but the idea remained in Leblond's mind. In 1943, he used another isotope of iodine and succeeded to obtain tracks in thyroid follicles [42]. It was necessary however to improve resolution. Leblond, now in Montreal, was conscious that a major pitfall was the distance between the radioactive source contained in tissue sections and the photographic emulsion used as detector of radiations. Moreover, a direct superimposition of the radioactive tracks and of the subjacent histological structures was required. With these goals in mind, BElanger and Leblond [5] devised in 1946 the so-called 'coating technique' of radioautography in which a gently-warm, liquid photographic emulsion is directly applied in close contact with the tissue sections. The thin film of coated emulsion adheres directly to the subjacent structures and reduces therefore the interspace between the radioactive source and the detector. After developing the radioautographs, the silver grains are visualized over the tissues or cells enclosing the radioactive tracer. Simultaneously, nuclear physicists devised new emulsions especially enriched in small-sized silver halide crystals, called 'nuclear emulsions'. A better knowledge of the interactions between nuclear emulsions and radiations permitted to obtain highsensitivity detection at minimum ionization (reviewed in [45]); a lowering of the detection threshold of beta-emitting isotopes was improved by activation procedures of the emulsion for light and for electron microscopy (reviewed in [52]). Since resolution, sensitivity and yield of the nuclear emulsion were also improving, the principle of the 'coating technique' could be adapted and applied to electron microscopic preparations.
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