In this paper, a time-varying formation tracking protocol for second-order multi-sgent systems (MASs) is presented. The time-varying formation considers translation, rotation, and scaling of the geometric pattern that defines the formation. The control law is simple yet effective, and it is composed of a trajectory tracking control and a consensus control that considers the position and velocity feedback of the connected agents in the MAS. The closed-loop system is asymptotically stable, and this was proved using the Gershgoring’s disk theorem. The performance of the protocol was extensively tested in experiments using a dynamic extension of the differential-drive robot model. The protocol was tested for different communication topologies and also dealt with switching topologies. The proposed protocol presented good performance regaring both time-varying formation and topology changes. Moreover, a comparison with an existing controller and with only trajectory tracking control has been provided, thus showing that the proposed protocol preserves the formation for all the tested topologies in a better way.