Extending the results of Wu (2022 J. Phys. A 55 415207), we study the double-scaling limit Sachdev–Ye–Kitaev model with an additional diagonal matrix with a fixed number c of nonzero constant entries θ. This constant diagonal term can be rewritten in terms of Majorana fermion products. Its specific formula depends on the value of c. We find exact expressions for the moments of this model. More importantly, by proposing a moment-cumulant relation, we reinterpret the effect of introducing a constant term in the context of non-commutative probability theory. This gives rise to a q~ dependent mixture of independences within the moment formula. The parameter q~ , derived from the q-Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (q-OU) process, controls this transformation. It interpolates between classical independence ( q~=1 ) and Boolean independence ( q~=0 ). The underlying combinatorial structures of this model provide the non-commutative probability connections. Additionally, we explore the potential relation between these connections and their gravitational path integral counterparts.