The DSM-V Paraphilias subworkgroup has proposed anumber of changes to the diagnostic criteria for pedophilia(Blanchard, 2009a). In this commentary, I briefly discusssome of these changes in light of recent research on internet-facilitated sexual offenders and focus on the relevance ofchildpornographyandinternetsolicitationwhenconsideringthe diagnosis of pedophilia.Ascertaining Paraphilias versus Diagnosing ParaphilicDisordersThe proposed distinction between ascertaining a paraphiliawhen the sexual interest exists and making a paraphiliadiagnosis only when there is evidence of distress or impair-ment addresses the seeming paradox that a person would notbediagnosedwithpedophiliaunderDSM-IV(and,toalesserextent, DSM-IV-TR) if the person was sexually attracted toprepubescent children but was not distressed or impaired(including conflict with the law) as a result.Blanchard(2009a)suggeststhat‘‘ego-syntonic,euthymic,chaste pedophiles’’are rare. Consistent with this suggestion,Riegel (2004) found that 95% of 290 self-identified homo-sexualpedophilesrespondingtoananonymousonlinesurveyacknowledged using child pornography at some point; themajority (59%) used child pornography ‘‘frequently.’’ TheDunkelfeld Project in Berlin, which used mass mediaadvertising to recruit self-identified pedophiles wishing torefrainfromactingupontheirinterestsbycommittingsexualoffenses, found that very few individuals assessed had nohistory of child pornography use or sexual contact with aminor (e.g., Neutze, Seto, Schaefer, Mundt, & Beier, 2009).Thesubsetofwell-adjusted,sexuallyinactive(withregardtochildren) pedophiles may indeed be less common than indi-viduals who are distressed about their pedophilia or who actupon their interests, but this group is invisible in manyrespects because most of the research on pedophilia andhebephilia has involved clinical or forensic samples (seeSeto, 2008).Is Child Pornography Use a Relevant Behavior?In the absence of candid disclosure about sexual thoughts,fantasies, or urges, diagnosis is more likely to be reliable if itis based on observable behavior. Is seeking, viewing, savingorsharingchildpornographyanexpressionofpedophilicinter-ests and thus a relevant behavior (see O’Donohue, Regev, H Seto, Cantor, &Blanchard, 2006).There is an intuitive and empirical link between malesexual interests and pornography choices. One does notexpect heterosexual men to seek out pornography depictingmen only or homosexual men to seek out pornographydepictingwomenonly.Wefoundevidenceforanassociationbetween child pornography possession and pedophilia whenwe compared the phallometric test results of 100 child por-nography offenders with those of 178 sex offenders withchild victims (Seto et al., 2006). As a group, the child por-nography offenders showed significantly greater sexualarousal to children than did the offenders against children,and there was no significant difference between the 53 who
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