The problems of finding the most effective means and methods that will promote the development of physical work capacity of the cadetss and allow to prepare a highly skilled specialist, have been determined and revealed. The problems of definition of the concept, means and methods of development of work capacity of cadets in the educational process of profile institutions of higher education have been considered. The physical qualities of the cadets, which will influence the increase of the level of work capacity in the process of physical culture training have been determined. The activities of cadets during the training day have been analyzed. Objectives. To determine the optimal approaches to increasing the level of physical fitness and work capacity of cadets. Methods. Surveys, questionnaires, observations, analysis of the results. Results. The main factors influencing the general work capacity of the cadets, the factors influencing the peculiarities of conducting educational and labour day on the state of health of the cadets were revealed, and the most effective means and methods of their physical training were determined. To solve the problem of maintaining health and raising the level of workability, a concept was proposed for creating a system of professionally oriented on-learning process aimed at creating a healthy lifestyle.