Over the last decades, significant progress has been made and new approaches have been proposed for efficient collection of road condition data. Gravel roads are crucial for connecting urban and rural areas in Sweden, constituting a significant portion of the road network. Therefore, this study addresses the use of a developed Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-based digital imaging system focusing on efficient collection of surface condition data over gravel roads.The study focuses on in-situ profile measurements of a gravel road located in Trosa, Sweden, using three different profiling methods: UAV drone with RTK technology, Road Surface Tester (RST), and Rotary Laser Level (RLL) to explore the agreement between these methods.The UAV drone, equipped with Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) technology, captures high-resolution images to produce detailed 3D surface models, overcoming the challenges posed by adverse weather conditions. Notable outcomes reveal RTK technology's stability, maintaining a steady 3D position accuracy below 2 cm. To enhance synchronization and comparison between different profiling methods, efforts should be made to standardize coordinate systems and measurement analysis software.Minimum average absolute differences of 1.1 cm, 1 cm, and 0.7 cm were recorded for all profiles (from 1 m left to 1 m right of the road centerline) in the comparisons between UAV drone – RST, UAV drone – RLL, and RST – RLL methods, respectively. This underlines the significant advancement in UAV drone technology, enabling remarkably accurate measurements of vertical offsets for profiling the tested gravel road despite the high altitude at which the UAV drone operates.
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