It is demonstrated that the magic three-qubit Veldkamp line occurs naturally within the Veldkamp space of a combinatorial Grassmannian of type G 2 ( 7 ) , V ( G 2 ( 7 ) ) . The lines of the ambient symplectic polar space are those lines of V ( G 2 ( 7 ) ) whose cores feature an odd number of points of G 2 ( 7 ) . After introducing the basic properties of three different types of points and seven distinct types of lines of V ( G 2 ( 7 ) ) , we explicitly show the combinatorial Grassmannian composition of the magic Veldkamp line; we first give representatives of points and lines of its core generalized quadrangle GQ ( 2 , 2 ) , and then additional points and lines of a specific elliptic quadric Q - (5, 2), a hyperbolic quadric Q + (5, 2), and a quadratic cone Q ^ (4, 2) that are centered on the GQ ( 2 , 2 ) . In particular, each point of Q + (5, 2) is represented by a Pasch configuration and its complementary line, the (Schläfli) double-six of points in Q - (5, 2) comprise six Cayley–Salmon configurations and six Desargues configurations with their complementary points, and the remaining Cayley–Salmon configuration stands for the vertex of Q ^ (4, 2).
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