We designed an interactive microcomputer-based digital data processing system for analysis of 31-phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance ( 31P-NMR) spectra from studies of cardiac metabolism in immature and neonatal hearts. This system included a digitizing tablet (Kurta Series Two), a microcomputer (IBM PC XT) and a graphics plotter (Hewlett-Packard 7470A) used in conjuction with a Nicolet 1280 NMR signal processing computer. We obtained 31P spectra from isolated perfused rabbit hearts with a Nicolet NT-200 4.7 Tesla superconducting NMR spectrometer operated in the pulsed Fourier transform mode. The small size of the hearts resulted in increased noise in spectra and demanded comparison of methods used to quantitate changes in inorganic phosphorus, phosphocreatine and ATP during ischemic stress. We performed microcomputer operations and interfacing functions with a software package written in BASIC. This system simplified documentation, data filing statistical data processing. Our microcomputer system displayed and made hard copies of digitized spectra and results of analyses. Errors in data entry were rectified directly with this program. Consistent data reduction improved the precision of the physiological results and reduced the influence of noise on 31P spectra from neonatal hearts weighing about 0.5 g. The system flexibility extends its application to NMR spectra analysis for other in vivo organ systems, and signal processing in other biological research.
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