The purpose of this study was to provide basic data for the establishment of after-school programs in the beauty department by comparing and analyzing the operating conditions of after-school programs in the department of beauty at Vocational high schools. All five cosmetic departments of Daejeon Vocational high schools were selected and the status of each school's after-school program operation was sampled for a total of 7 semesters from the first semester of 2019 to the first semester of 2022. For data collection, public information (data for public use) of the school reminder system and the school website were referred to, and deficiencies were supplemented through interviews with teachers. The results are as follow. First, it can be seen that the name of the after-school program in the department of beauty is mainly determined similarly to the certificate and course name by using the national qualification for cosmetologist and the name of the cosmetology course in 4 schools. Second, as for the operating hours of the program, 40 sessions (hours) were the most common at 28, and the number of participants in the program ranged from 2 to 27, showing differences by school and program. It implies the need to unify and operate the classes in order to increase the equal educational opportunity and academic achievement of learners. Second, hair program accounted for the highest proportion of program opening because the hair field had a high rate of employment after high school graduation but more diverse education is needed to ensure well-rounded employment opportunity. Third, after-school program instructors were mostly taught by beauty department teachers. Since this is often conducted in connection with school classes, it can be inferred that the subject teacher alignment with after school programs were chosen over an external instructor to increase efficiency. Fourth, after-school tuition support varied by school, but tuition support increased in 2022 compared to 2019 showing each school’s growing efforts to relieve the financial pressure of after school programs. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the various majors of the after-school program, systematize the time period and the number of participants. In addition, the afterschool tuition support should be continued to reduce private education expenses and prevent class loss. Such efforts are expected to have a positive effect on the equal educational opportunity and academic achievement of learners. In the future, it is necessary to expand the scope of research to the whole country and continue research on the operation status of other majors in specialized high schools and after-school programs in non-specialized high schools.
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