The lizard Diploglossus atitlanensis was previously known only from the holotype from Atitlin, Guatemala. Herein I report on a second specimen collected at Finca El Imposible, Departamento de Ahuachapain, El Salvador. Morphological and ecological data for this specimen are presented. Bocourt (1879) designated an anguid lizard collected in Atitlain, southwestern Guatemala as Diploglossus (Celestus) steindachneri Cope. Giinther (1885) and Boulenger (1885) apparently did not reexamine this Guatemalan specimen, and they thought it was conspecific with Cope's (1864) D. steindachneri. Cope (1900) subsequently allocated this specimen to Celestus enneagrammus. Smith (1950) recognized that Bocourt's specimen was different from D. steindachneri, and he described it as Celestus atitlanensis. The validity of this taxon was questioned by Stuart (1963), who suggested that there may have been a confusion with Bocourt's data and stated that further material was necessary to prove the occurrence of the genus Celestus on the Pacific versant of Guatemala and Chiapas, Mexico. Wermuth (1969) placed C. atitlanensis in the genus Diploglossus. Subsequent to its original collection, D. atitlanensis has never been retaken. On 24 October 1979, forest wardens captured a single female lizard referable to this species at Finca El Imposible, 6 km NE San Francisco Menendez, Departamento de Ahuachapan, El Salvador, 800 m. This locality is about 150 km SE of the type locality. The Salvadoran specimen of D. atitlanensis (KU 184048) is described below. I have provided a thorough description to justify its specific allocation. ' Current address: Department of Biology, University of Missouri, Kansas City, Missouri 64110. This content downloaded from on Wed, 25 May 2016 06:49:26 UTC All use subject to VOLUME 85, NUMBER 1 35 Fig. 1. Dorsal view of the head of Diploglossus atitlanensis (KU 184048), snout to vent length 111 mm, tail length 117 mm. Diploglossus atitlanensis (Smith) (Fig. 1) Diploglossus (Celestus) steindachneri (nec Cope) Bocourt, Miss. Sci. Mex., Rept., 1879:383, pl. 22, figs. 3-3c (in part). Celestus atitlanensis Smith in Smith and Taylor, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 199, 1950:195, designation of Bocourt's D. steindachneri as type. Diploglossus atitlanensis-Wermuth, Das Tierreich, Lief. 90, 1969:4. Diagnosis.-Thirty-one scales around mid-body; median prefrontal wider than long, in contact with two supraoculars and frontal; lateral prefrontals present, not fused to median loreal; frontal longer than wide, not in contact with first supraocular; nasal in contact with rostral; three loreals; most dorsal scales with 20-25 striae, not keeled; 74 dorsal scales from occipital to base of tail; two light dorsolateral stripes present. Description.-Rostral wider than high, visible from above; two internasals; two frontonasals slightly larger than internasals; median prefrontal wider than long, in contact with two supraoculars and frontal; lateral prefrontals present, not fused to median loreal; frontal longer than wide; five inner supraoculars, second in contact with prefrontal and separating frontal from first supraocular; four or five outer smaller supraoculars, the first in This content downloaded from on Wed, 25 May 2016 06:49:26 UTC All use subject to 36 TRANSACTIONS OF THE KANSAS ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Table 1. Comparison of known specimens of Diploglossus atitlanensis. Character MHNP 5206 (Holotype) KU 184048
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