Abstract The dominance of dark matter and dark energy presents one of the most significant challenges in cosmology. The chameleon mechanism in F(R) gravity offers a potential solution to this issue. However, many F(R) models encounter a problem known as the singularity problem, where the scalaron mass becomes too heavy to function as dark matter. This study aims to address the singularity problem within the Gogoi-Goswami F(R) model by incorporating an additional R 2 correction term. Assuming the scalaron functions as chameleonic dark matter, its mass must satisfy constraints across various scales, including the electroweak transition phase and galactic structures. By adopting a hierarchical scale with R 0 ≪ R c < m ¯ 2 , where R 0 is the Ricci scalar at late-time de Sitter space and m ¯ represents the inflaton mass scale in Starobinsky's model, and assuming R c ≃ 1 GeV2, the mass constraints during the electroweak transition can be satisfied with α ≃ 1.05. Nevertheless, meeting the required mass constraints on a galactic scale remains a challenge. Alternatively, if R c is considered relevant only in the current universe, such that R 0 ≪ R c ≪ m ¯ 2 , these dark matter mass constraints can be more easily met. For example, setting R c ≃ m φ 2 ( gal ) ≃ ( 1 0 − 32 ) 2 GeV 2 effectively satisfies these constraints.
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