Green rust (GR) is a chemically reactive mineral of interest for environmental remediation. However, the lack of stability of this compound is a major drawback for practical applications. In this study, the precipitation of hydroxychloride green rust type 1 (GR1Cl) from soluble FeII and FeIII species was studied by analyzing pH titration curves and employing XRD, Raman and Mössbauer spectroscopies to find optimal conditions for synthesizing GR1Cl. Using the stoichiometric condition for FeII-FeIII corresponding to the [FeII3FeIII(OH)8]Cl compound, FeIIIO(OH)2.9Cl0.1 was formed in a first step during the addition of NaOH and then transformed into a mixture of GR1Cl and Fe3O4. The addition of phosphate anions (PO4) at a molar ratio PO4: Fe = 1: 10 in the initial solution was shown to avoid the formation of undesired magnetite. Interestingly, GR1Cl was also the only product without adding PO4 using an excess of FeII species in solution, i.e. for an initial ferric molar fraction x = FeIII: Fetot of 0.2. First experimental evidences of a hydroxyphosphate green rust type 2 GR2PO4 were also provided by XRD and Raman spectroscopy. Therefore, this work may attract interest for a better understanding of the geochemical cycle of iron and phosphate in natural environments such as hydromorphic soils or hydrothermal chimneys where fougerite, the mineral homologue of synthetic GR, is supposed to play a significant role.