Abstract. Taking into account the high prevalence of complications after radical surgical treatment of breast cancer, medical rehabilitation courses were developed and conducted in the early postoperative period (2–4 days after surgery) with the inclusion of physical factors: fluctuating currents, extended local magnetic therapy, general magnetic therapy, as well as physical therapy, training with biofeedback on the support reaction (balance therapy) and individual sessions with a medical psychologist. Purpose. In a comparative aspect, study the indicators of peripheral microcirculation to assess the effectiveness of various methods of magnetic therapy and fluctuarization in patients operated on for breast cancer in the early postoperative period. Material and methods. The study included 107 women operated on for breast cancer 2–4 days after surgery. Using simple randomization, the patients were divided into 3 groups, comparable in age, clinical and functional indicators; at all stages of the study, the patients underwent clinical, functional and laboratory examinations, and questionnaires. In the 1st group (n=35), in the early postoperative period, in the complex of medical rehabilitation, 10 fluctuarization procedures were carried out using an expanded technique; in the 2nd group (n=35), patients received 10 procedures of expanded magnetic therapy; in the 3rd group (n =37) patients received 10 procedures of general magnetic therapy. In addition to physiotherapy, all patients received a complex of physical therapy, balance therapy and classes with a medical psychologist. Results. In the early stages, fluctuating currents seemed more effective, which, due to chaotic changes in the frequency and amplitude of current pulses, help restore conduction along peripheral nerves and activate muscle fiber contractility, improving hemodynamics. It should be noted the effect of extended and general magnetic therapy on improving the contractility of the muscles of the upper limb and the conductivity of peripheral nerve fibers, as well as on the restoration of capillary blood flow. Early signs of the regeneration process are a restructuring of microvascular regulation, namely an increase in the contribution of nutritional blood flow, the activity of myogenic and neurogenic oscillations in hemodynamics, and an increase in blood flow activity.