We introduce a certain natural abelian C*-subalgebra of a graph C*-algebra, which has functorial properties that can be used for characterizing injectivity of representations of the ambient C*-algebra. In particular, a short proof of the Cuntz-Krieger Uniqueness Theorem, for graphs that may have loops without entries, is given. Graph C*-algebras are interesting objects with a structure that can often be understood in terms of the combinatorics and geometry of the underlying graph. A large class of examples include AF-algebras, Cuntz-Krieger algebras, and C*algebras that are built up from matrices over C(T). Here we consider C*-algebras defined from countable directed graphs. In particular, such a graph is determined by a four-tuple E = (E, E, r, s) consisting of its vertex set, edge set, and range and source maps. Given such a graph E we define a Cuntz-Krieger E-system on a Hilbert space H to be a collection {Sμ |μ ∈ E ∪ E} of operators on H, where Sμ is an orthogonal projection whenever μ ∈ E and a partial isometry whenever μ ∈ E, and the usual Cuntz-Krieger conditions are satisfied: (CK 1) S∗ eSe = Ss(e) for every e ∈ E (CK 2) Sv = ∑ r(e)=v SeS ∗ e whenever {e ∈ E | r(e) = v} is nonempty and finite. In light of the restriction on the vertex v in condition (CK 2) we need also to require that SeS ∗ e ≤ Sr(e) for every e ∈ E, and that the projections SeS e are mutually orthogonal. Let us call such a system nondegenerate if there is no vertex v ∈ E with Pv = 0. Note that our convention for the initial and range spaces of the partial isometries agrees with [R]. In the usual way, one can prove the existence of a universal C*-algebra generated by a Cuntz-Krieger E system; we denote this algebra by C∗〈E〉. By a uniqueness theorem one means a set of conditions on the graph E or on the map π guaranteeing that a representation π : C∗〈E〉 → A is injective. The first of the Cuntz-Krieger uniqueness theorems was Coburn’s Theorem (see, e.g., [Mu]), which asserts that any C*-algebra generated by a nonunitary partial isometry is isomorphic to the Toeplitz Algebra T . Taking the graph E with E = {v, w} and E = {e, f}, where s(f) = v and s(e) = r(e) = r(f) = w, one can verify that in any E-system the operator Se + Sf is a nonunitary partial isometry, and thus C ∗〈E〉 = T . Ten years later, in [C], Cuntz showed that when E consists of a single vertex and n edges (loops), any algebra generated by an E-system is isomorphic to the Cuntz algebra On ([CK]). Subsequently, Cuntz and Krieger proved that the graph with adjacency matrix A 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 46L10; Secondary 46L30.