A recent study by our group found that women displayed greater attentional bias to alcohol-related cues during the late versus early follicular phase in both sober and intoxicated states, suggesting a greater risk of excessive drinking among women during this phase. Changes in attentional bias as a function of menstrual cycle phase raise questions about potential sex differences in the relative consistency by which women and men display attentional bias to alcohol over time. The present study tested sex differences in attentional bias to alcohol by comparing the change in women's attentional bias from early to late follicular phase to that observed in men over the same period. Twenty-five men and 25 women aged 21-32 participated in a placebo-controlled study examining sex differences in the rewarding properties of alcohol. Participants completed measures of attentional bias to alcohol-related cues during two sessions following both 0.6g/kg alcohol and placebo. Test sessions occurred one week apart, and for female participants coincided with the early and late follicular phases. Men consistently displayed attentional bias to alcohol-related cues across sessions under both doses. By contrast, women showed attentional bias only during the late follicular phase, at a magnitude greater than that observed in men, and persistent under both doses. These findings highlight the potential role of sex and menstrual cycle phase in sensitizing drinkers to rewarding properties of alcohol-related cues. Men's motivation to drink may remain relatively consistent, whereas women may be most motivated during the late follicular phase.