Every economy of an advanced nation relies on information systems and interconnected networks, thus in order to ensure the prosperity of a nation, making cyberspace a secure place becomes as crucial as securing society. Cyber security means ensuring the safety of this cyberspace from threats which can take different forms, such as stealing secret information from national companies and government institutions, attacking infrastructure vital for the functioning of the nation or attacking the privacy of the single citizen. The critical information infrastructure (CII) represents the indispensable nervous system, that allow modern societies to work and live. Besides, without it, there would be no distribution of energy, no services like banking or finance, no air traffic control and so on. But at the same time, in the development process of CII, security was never considered a top priority and for this reason they are subject to a high risk in relation to the organized crime,Keywords: Information Systems, Cyberspace, Critical Information Infrastructure, Cyber Security, Risk Management, Strategy(ProQuest: ... denotes formulae omitted.)1 IntroductionIn developed countries, information infrastructures are at the same time a fundamental bedrock that makes contemporary societies work as well as a source of vulnerability. The diffusion of telecommunications, the Internet and the penetration of computers and local computer networks in so many facets of life today have changed all that. For this reason, information systems are considered a critical asset, not only for traditional intelligence purposes but also for security issues. Thus, is becoming very important an appraisal of some critical aspects of some critical elements of cyber warfare deals with the risks for Critical Information Structures (CII). While representing an essential groundwork that allow modern societies to work and live, they have been developed without considering security as a top priority. Intelligence gathering has always been a critical and inescapable aspect in international politics and new technologies offer unprecedented tools to monitor governments, economies, defense and security planning that can become targets to external threats.The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines critical infrastructures as those system and assets, whether or virtual, so vital to the U.S. that the incapacity or destruction of such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination of those matters[1]. Likewise, the European Commission describes critical infrastructures as physical and information technology facilities, networks, services and assets that, if disrupted or destroyed, would have a serious impact on the health, safety, security or economic well-being of citizens or the effective functioning of governments in EU States[3].While there are some differences between the United States and the EU and other advanced countries such as Japan, Australia, Canada, South Korea and others as to what precisely constitutes CII, these differences tend to be more terminological than substantial (see Table 1 for examples).IT and communication systems (ITC* insufficient awareness and user education systems and attitudes or practices that do not comply with the procedures manual;* availability of information on the penetration of computer systems without authorization;* unclear legal regulations and jurisdictional difficulties;* intensification of the globalization phenomenon. …
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