The task of identifying B meson flavor at the primary interaction point in the LHCb detector is crucial for measurements of mixing and timedependent CP violation. Flavor tagging is usually done with a small number of expert systems that find important tracks to infer the B meson flavor from. Recent advances show that replacing all of those expert systems with one ML algorithm that considers all tracks in an event yields an increase in tagging power. However, training the current classifier takes a long time and it is not suitable for use in real time triggers. In this work we present a new classifier, based on the DeepSet architecture. With the right inductive bias of permutation invariance, we achieve great speedups in training (multiple hours vs 10 minutes), a factor of 4-5 speed-up in inference for use in real time environments like the trigger and less tagging asymmetry. For the first time we investigate and compare performances of these “Inclusive Flavor Taggers” on simulation of the upgraded LHCb detector for the third run of the LHC.
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