In studying a variety of highly exothermic alkali oxidation chemiluminescent processes, a significant body of evidence has been obtained to indicate that the alkali monoxides LiO, NaO, KO, RbO, and CsO possess a weakly bound low-lying predominantly covalent excited electronic state thought to be of 2Π symmetry (B 2Π). The emission from this state for the heavier alkali oxides lies at the fringes of the visible region whereas the LiO emission system extends through the entire visible range to the near infrared. Alkali atoms react with ozone (O 3) and nitrous oxide (N 2O) under both single collision beam-gas and multiple collision conditions to yield the chemiluminescent spectra ascribed to the alkali monixides. Under single collision conditions, the observed emission spectra resulting from an oxidation process first order in metal and first order in oxidant are virtually continuous. The single collision studies are extended in a controlled manner to higher pressure by entraining the alkali atoms in Ar, He, N 2, or CO and subsequently carrying out the oxidation of this mixture at background pressures ranging from 0.15 to 1 Torr in order to study the internal relaxation and rapid intramolecular energy transfer characteristic of the metal monoxide. Partially rotationally relaxed spectra obtained for LiO, NaO, and KO demonstrate considerable structure associated predominantly with the vibrational levels of the ground and very low-lying ionic states of the alkali oxides. Temperature dependence studies ( T beam) under single collision conditions demonstrate that the O 3 reactions proceed with much lower activation energy for excited state formation versus the N 2O reactions. Through energy conservation, the bond energies for LiO, NaO, KO, and CsO are extracted. While those bond energies determined for NaO, KO, and CsO are in good agreement with previous workers, the determined bond energy for LiO is notably higher than that determined mass spectrometrically. This study correlates well with the recent evaluation of M 2+O 2 alkali oxidation processes where weak emission from an MO 2 (M=Na…Cs) species appears to be observed. The significance of the low-lying alkali oxide state as it pertains to the detection of the alkali oxides in combustion streams is considered.
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