This paper provides an addendum to M. Hrusak and J. van Mill “Nearly Countable Dense Homogeneous Spaces.” Canad. J. Math., published online 2013-03-08, CJM-2013-006-8. It was brought to our attention by Su Gao that the proof of Theorem 5.2 in our paper is incomplete. We are indebted to him for this observation. The aim of this note is to correct this. Theorem 5.2 Let G be a closed subgroup of S∞ and let κ be the number of orbits for the canonical action G × 2N → 2N. Then there is an action of a Polish group H on X = N× [0, 1) such that X has κ H-types of countable dense sets. Proof Let G act on X in the following natural way: (g, (n, t)) 7−→ (g(n), t) for g ∈ G, n ∈ N, t ∈ [0, 1). Put F = { f ∈H (X) : (∀ n ∈ N)( f (n, 0) = (n, 0)) } . Then F is a closed normal subgroup of H (X) and hence is Polish. Moreover, for any two countable dense subsets D and E of N × (0, 1) there exists f ∈ F such that f (D) = E. Treat G also as subgroup of H (X). The Polish semi-direct product group H = G o F acts on X as follows: ((g, f ), x) 7→ ( f ◦ g)(x) for f ∈ F, g ∈ G, x ∈ X. Note that topologically, H = G o F is G× F, but its group operation ∗ is given by (g1, f1) ∗ (g2, f2) = (g1g2, f1g1 f2g 1 ). A typical countable dense subset of X has the form D ∪ A, where D is a countable dense subset of N× (0, 1), and A ⊆ N× {0}. By identifying P(N× {0}) and 2N in the standard way, it is clear that we get what we want. Centro de Ciencias Matematicas, UNAM, A.P. 61-3, Xangari, Morelia, Michoacan, 58089, Mexico e-mail: Faculty of Sciences, Department of Mathematics, VU University Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands e-mail: Received by the editors October 28, 2013. Published electronically November 7, 2013. The first author was supported by a PAPIIT grant IN 102311 and CONACyT grant 177758. The second author is pleased to thank the Centro de Ciencias Matematicas at Morelia for generous hospitality and support. AMS subject classification: 54H05, 03E15, 54E50.