ations in individual seed weight can still account for diVerences in yield between environments for one genoIndividual seed weight and seed growth rate are vari- type, as well as between genotypes in one environment. able within the plant and among environmental condi- Individual seed weight is commonly analysed as the tions. Seed growth rate remains constant during the product of seed growth rate by duration of seed filling. filling period even if assimilate availability is modified. Genotypic diVerences in seed weight are mainly correlated This paper describes the relationship between the with diVerences in seed growth rate ( Egli et al., 1981). In cotyledon cell number fixed at the beginning of seed the companion paper, Munier-Jolain et al. (1998) have filling and the seed growth rate. Two genotypes of pea shown for three grain legume species ( lupin (Lupinus were grown in various environmental conditions: field, albus L.), pea, and soybean) that changes in photoassimglasshouse and growth chamber. One genotype of ilate availability do not aVect seed growth rate if treatsoybean was sown in field. Seed growth rate and coty- ments are applied after the completion of embryo cell ledon cell number were measured. Variations in seed division. A reduction in assimilate availability does not growth rate (0.24 to 1.07 mg per degree-day for pea, lead to a decrease in seed growth rate, whereas total plant 0.23 to 0.42 mg per degree-day for soybean) largely growth and duration of seed filling are reduced. In the account for differences in individual seed weight. For same way, an increase in assimilate availability does not each species, cotyledon cell number (from 3.4◊105 to cause any increase in seed growth rate. Seeds have eVec10.2◊105 per seed for pea, from 6.7◊106 to 9◊106 tively often been described as a high priority sink in per seed for soybean) and seed growth rate are assimilate partitioning (Minchin and Thorpe, 1996). strongly correlated regardless of environmental condi- Thus, assimilate flux in growing seeds fluctuates little and tions and intraplant position. Consequently, seed it can be assumed that seed growth rate remains constant growth rate observed during the seed filling period is during the seed filling period. Consequently, the seed determined before this period during the cell division growth rate observed at the beginning of seed filling in the embryo: variations in seed growth rate depend corresponds to a potential seed growth, which should be on the growing conditions during the period between determined before the period of rapid seed growth. flowering and the beginning of seed filling. Seed development and growth can be divided into three phases (Munier-Jolain et al., 1993). The first one begins
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