The aim of this prospective study was to assess predictive value of fludeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) and computed tomography (CT) and to analyze their cost-effectiveness in several diagnosis-treatment combinations. The incidence of melanoma continues to rise. A proportion will present or recur with lymph node metastases (American Joint Committee on Cancer/Union for International Cancer Control stage III). To detect distant metastases, CT and/or FDG-PET are available. However, few studies have assessed their value and costs in stage III. All consecutive patients with melanoma with palpable, proven lymph node metastases (2003-2008) referred for examination with FDG-PET and CT were prospectively included. Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy, and positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) were calculated. In economic evaluation, the costs of diagnostic work-up with and without FDG-PET and CT were compared. Overall, 253 patients with melanoma were included. FDG-PET showed a higher sensitivity than CT: 86.1% compared with 78.2%. Specificity was higher for CT (93.7%) compared with FDG-PET (93.1%). Overall, FDG-PET showed a higher PPV and NPV. Cost-consequence analysis showed that adding CT (True-Positive upstaging in 61 patients) to diagnostic work-up decreased cost by 5.5%, adding FDG-PET (True-Positive upstaging in 68 patients) increased cost by 7.2%, and adding both (True-Positive upstaging in 78 patients) increased cost by 15.1%. In this study, FDG-PET had higher sensitivity and predictive value, whereas CT had a higher specificity. Adding one of these diagnostic tools improved the staging of stage III patients with less than 10% cost increase. A proposal for stage-specific use of imaging modalities for clinicians caring for patients with melanoma is presented.
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