The article deals with gaining theoretical knowledge of language by younger students with severe speech disorders (SSD) under conditions of inclusive group. Curriculum requirements for knowledge of the native language gained by students in the system of linguistic concepts are analyzed. Keywords: special education, teaching native language, primary school, speech disorders, inclusive group. Introduction. The problem of educating children with severe speech disorders under conditions of inclusive group is important for the theory and practice of modern speech therapy. According to domestic and overseas scholars (L.Bartenev, V.Kondratenko, R.Levin, I.Marchenko, L.Spirova, E.Sobotovych, V.Tarasun, V.Tyschenko, L.Trofymenko, N.Cherednichenko, M.Sheremetand), serious disorders of speech (SSD) include alalia, aphasia, dysarthria, rynolaliya, and stuttering. The main features that combine all of these speech disorders are normal biological hearing, sight, sharp ability of intellectual development with severe scarcity of communication. Severely underdeveloped speech, deficiencies in pronunciation of sounds, lack of clarity in perception of word image, limited vocabulary, incorrect grammar, and break of syntactic form of expression, changing tempo and rhythm of speech, violation of communicative and cognitive functions of speech affect the level of mental and physical development of children with SSD. Due to the low developed speech of younger students belonging to this category, there are considerable difficulties in their gaining knowledge of native language and getting speaking skills. Thus, the problem of gaining theoretical knowledge of language by younger students with severe speech disorders is extremely important because the level of knowledge assimilation affects the quality of mastering other academic disciplines, expanding knowledge about the environment, enhances personal development of students. Teaching primary school children with severe speech disorders is conducted according to the programs developed by M.Sheremet and V.Tarasun. (2005). Therefore, we consider it necessary to determine guidelines for the development of knowledge of the native language by primary school pupils with severe speech disorders based on the analysis of proposed programs. To solve these tasks, we used the method of theoretical analysis and synthesis of the literature on the study issue. Results. Younger pupils' speech development and their successful learning at primarily school are dependent on properly organized process of mastering knowledge of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar. Phonetic knowledge makes it possible not only to master reading and writing during the literacy, but also, in conjunction with morphology (word formation in particular), forms the basis for the formation of spelling skills. According to the curriculum at an early stage of learning the native language (preparatory class) SSD children learn to operate with such terms from the section of phonetics as syllable, word, sentence, letter, loud sound, hard consonant, soft consonant and stress. In order to prepare students with the SSD to master grammar, much attention is paid to the skills of sound analysis and synthesis component analysis of speech, correct pronunciation of words with light component structure. Presentation of the material takes place systematically gradually becoming more and more difficult throughout the study period. The level of complexity is based on the current level of mental and physical development of children of this category and their zone of proximal development. As for the lexical system, the formation of lexical representations and concepts is a means of enrichment, refinement and revitalization of dictionary. The initial stage of language learning has the most important lexical concept of a word. By familiarizing children with the term word, a teacher emphasizes that a combination of sounds (a child's attention is drawn to the sound of the word), which is always associated with
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