Abstract Decompounding is an essential preprocessing step in text-processing tasks such as machine translation, speech recognition, and information retrieval (IR). Here, the IR issues are explored from five viewpoints. (A) Does word decompounding impact the Indian language IR? If yes, to what extent? (B) Can corpus-based decompounding models be used in the Indian language IR? If yes, how? (C) Can machine learning and deep learning-based decompounding models be applied in the Indian language IR? If yes, how? (D) Among the different decompounding models (corpus-based, hybrid machine learning-based, and deep learning-based), which provides the best effectiveness in the IR domain? (E) Among the different IR models, which provides the best effectiveness from the IR perspective? This study proposes different corpus-based, hybrid machine learning-based, and deep learning-based decompounding models in Indian languages (Marathi, Hindi, and Sanskrit). Moreover, we evaluate the effectiveness of each activity from an IR perspective only. It is observed that the different decompounding models improve IR effectiveness. The deep learning-based decompounding models outperform the corpus-based and hybrid machine learning-based models in Indian language IR. Among the different deep learning-based models, the Bi-LSTM-A model performs best and improves mean average precision (MAP) by 28.02% in Marathi. Similarly, the Bi-RNN-A model improves MAP by 18.18% and 6.1% in Hindi and Sanskrit, respectively. Among the retrieval models, the In_expC2 model outperforms others in Marathi and Hindi, and the BB2 model outperforms others in Sanskrit.
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