Sabia lanceolata Colebr. of Sabiaceae is reported as a new record to China. The species is different from other Chinese species in its amplexicaul leaves and cordate leaf-base. It is related to S. parviflora Wall., but differs in its leaf blades elliptic-oblong to lanceolate, base cordate, cymes 10-30-flowered, drupelets obovoid to oblong-obovoid or pyriform, 7-10 mm in diam. Key words Sabiaceae, Sabia, Sabia lanceolata Colebr., new record, China. The genus Sabia Colebr. consists of about twenty-five species. It is distributed in S. E. Asia and Malesian region (Chen, 1943; van de Water, 1980; Law & Wu, 1982; Wu, 1985; Deng, 2001). In the course of revising the genus Sabia in Chinese herbaria, some specimens collected from Xizang were found different from those species reported from China in their leaves amplexicaul and leaf-base cordate (Chen, 1943; van de Water, 1980; Law & Wu, 1982; Wu, 1985; Chen, 1986). Further studies showed that it represents a species, Sabia lanceolata Colebr., which has not yet been reported from China. Sabia lanceolata Colebr. in Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 12: 355, t. 14, 181. Type: Bangladesh. Silhet, Colebrooke s.n. (holotype, K!). Sabia kachinica Chen in Sargentia 3: 63, fig. 8. 1943. Type: Myanmar (Burma). Kachin Hills, alt. 600-900 m, 1930-03-12, F. K. Ward 9018 (holotype, A; isotype, BM!). 狭叶清风藤 新拟 An evergreen woody climber or scandent shrub. Twigs glabrous. Leaves elliptic-oblong to lanceolate, 5-22×1.5-8 cm, herbaceous to pergamentaeous, glabrous, base cordate, amplexicaule, margin entire, apex acute or acuminate, lateral veins 6-12 pairs, obvious, straight or sometimes curved; petioles 0-1.2 cm, glabrous. Cymes solitary, axillary, or arranged in an axillary thyrse, 1.5-7 cm long, 10-30-flowered, glabrous; pedicels up to 1.3 cm; bracteoles ovate to oblong-ovate, up to 1.2 mm, often near calyx, glabrous, ciliolate or not. Flowers green to white. Sepals broadly ovate to ovate, 0.7-1.3(-2)×0.7-1(-1.5) mm, acute to obtuse, glabrous, ciliolate or not. Petals oblong-ovate to oblong, 3.5-5.5×1.5-2 mm, acute or narrowly obtuse, veins ca. 6, but often obscure by many granules forming dotted lines. Stamens 1.5-2 mm; filaments flattened, 1-2 mm long, 0.3-0.5 mm wide; anthers globular or ellipsoid, 0.2-0.3 mm long, inflexed. Disk crown-shaped; lobes short, but often with distinctly disciform apices; ribs often faint or absent. Pistil 1.2-1.7 mm; style cylindrical to slightly conical, 0.6-1 mm, much shorter than the adjacent side of the drupelet; ovary broadly transverse-ellipsoid, 0.6-0.7×0.7-1 mm, glabrous. Drupelets distinctly obovoid to oblong-obovoid or pyriform, somewhat compressed, 12-15×7-10 mm, probably blue when fresh, with or without persistent petals and stamens at the base; reticulate pattern faint or
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